Mon, 11 December 2006
My town's name is
Battersea, roughly 39 miles south of Seattle, and, strangely, with a
population the size of Tacoma's my neighbor 2 miles to the south.
Oddly, we show up on no maps, even though we are the sixth largest
seaport in the contiguous U.S. We are an hermetically sealed,
sometimes racist, always hard working, hardscrabble community,
pretending, occasionally to be hip, always failing at that, with nary
much in the way of culture. We were poised to be the largest city in
the Northwest, until the Great Northern Railway blasted its way through
Stevens Pass, in the Cascade Mountains north of Seattle, back in the
late 19th century. Put us almost out of business, and definitely out
of the way. Not irrelevant. Just hardworking and sleepy at the same
Category:Battersea Confidential
-- posted at: 11:00am PDT